IHP Policies
IHP's policies are listed below, and every client agrees to abide by them:
The Institute of Human Performance is registered with the state of Florida as a Health Studio. Registration No. is HS4394.
I [FullName] hereby accept all the risks of training and exercising (including physical injury and even death) and hold the Institute of Human Performance (Health Studio: HS4394) , Inc., staff and associates (IHP), Optimum Performance Systems. Inc., staff and associates (OPS), and Juan Carlos Santana and associates (JCS) free and harmless for any liability as a result of my physical participation in any training activity within the IHP property or in any event IHP is associated with.
*I agree to receive PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE promotional materials from IHP, OPS, and JCS through ALL electronic means and on ALL of my electronic devices, as well as ALL US mail delivery systems and services. I specifically grant IHP my complete permission to send me text messages (SMS), push notifications, Emails and ALL other communications covered under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) to ALL of my electronic devices. Should I choose to revoke my consent I understand I must notify IHP in writing.
I do hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release all rights and claims for damages I might accrue against IHP, and any instructors of exercise classes, their successors, representatives and assigns, for any and all injuries suffered by me while traveling to and from, and participating in IHP exercise classes and fitness programs.
I am aware that none of the IHP trainers, employees, owners, or associates provide medical advice or any kind of insurance to participants. Please consult with and rely on your personal medical care provider to make any and all health and fitness decisions.
Understanding that the Institute of Human Performance, Inc (IHP) (Health Studio: HS4394) serves as an educational institute I, the undersigned, do hereby grant the IHP, OPS, JCS and their photographers, full permission to take photographs and/or videos of me. I also give IHP, OPS, JCS permission to use the photographs and/or videos on any past, present, and/or future fitness and training education and/or promotional projects. I understand IHP, OPS and JCS may give said photographs and/or videos to other parties for their ethical and professional use in their advertising, educational products, websites, catalogues and/or magazine publications. I do further hold IHP, OPS and JCS and all associates, harmless from any and all liability, claim or demand whatsoever for the use of the said photographs and/or videos.
I also agree that I nor any agent or family of mine will not be entitled to any further remuneration from IHP, OPS and JCS and agree to release IHP, OPS, JCS and all associates from any further obligation and waive any possible causes of action in law or in equity now and in the future. I agree that any dispute I may have against IHP, OPS, and JCS may only be brought in a personal, individual capacity, and not as a representative of a class action or collective action under either state or federal law.
* I agree to read and follow all IHP member policies below. I further agree that if I violate any IHP policy all of my IHP privileges, membership and/or training agreement-contract can terminate without refund of any remaining membership or training sessions still in my account balance.
IHP policies are as follows.
I agree to comply with and follow ALL instructions and directions from the IHP staff, management, and ownership.
- Return all equipment to its proper storage place after use
- Wipe down equipment after use
- Proper athletic clothing and shoes (closed toe) required
- No bags or purses on gym floor - use lockers.
- Use spotters, safety racks, and collars when training
- No gum chewing or candy during training
- Share equipment with others
- No profanity, rude or aggressive behavior towards anyone will be tolerated
I agree to assume full legal liability for any injury to myself, others around me, and IHP property that may be associated or caused by violating any of the above rules or policies.
Hold Harmless Agreement
I [FullName] , understand and agree that regardless of what best practices are utilized and what reasonable precautions are taken, no establishment can provide any specific guarantee that any a patron, client or customer won’t come in contact with a variety of viruses, pathogens, bacteria, or disease. Furthermore, I understand and agree that all exercise and all physical exertion carry and inherent risk of injury and even death. I agree to take full responsibility for, and assume all risks of physical injury, transmissibility and contractibility of any and all diseases, viruses, and pathogens, associated with my decisions, actions, and conduct while on the Institute of Human Performance (IHP) property, as I undertake any exercise or training inside of IHP, use any equipment sold by IHP or on IHP property, or follow any training or exercise instruction from any IHP associate, staff, administrator, owner or director. I hold all IHP associates, staff, administrators investors, owners or directors harmless and free of any legal claims arising from my association with IHP, my presence on IHP property, my use of any IHP equipment, my participation in any IHP training program, or should I suffer from any illness, or become infected by any virus or pathogen associate or caused by any communicable disease, regardless of how I acquire the disease.
Additional Agreements for Membership, Personal Training and EFT Personal Training :
*All prices, membership, and personal training fees agreed to in this contract may change without notice due to unforeseen circumstances, such as an increase in price of materials, imported products, raw materials, currency fluctuations, national emergencies, natural disasters, or government/official orders. We will take all reasonable steps to notify all clients, customers, and members ahead of any price or fee change. Every personal training package (signup or renewal) will have a monthly gym access fee (price may vary) attached to [FullName] 's account.
We will send communications to alert of price and fee changes to the email address you provided in this contract. We are not responsible for the receipt or retrieval of the message, especially if the contact info on this contract was changed and not updated by the client, customer, or member. Assuring that IHP has the latest and accurate contact information is the responsibility of the client, customer, or member.
I [FullName] agree : To cancel my membership / Personal Training / EFT Personal Training [FullName] with IHP, you must fill out the cancellation form from the link provided -- www.ihpfitness.com/cancelform . It is important that you fill out the form to successfully stop any further charges or payments moving forward. Please note that the form must be completed before 72 hours from the existing billing date to avoid any charges or payments. Once you have submitted the form, our team will process your request as soon as possible. We appreciate your time with us and hope that we have been able to meet your health and fitness goals. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@ihpfit.com. I [FullName] Understand that speaking with a staff member via phone call, text message, voicemail, or email with NOT successfully cancel your membership / Personal Training / EFT Personal Training.
* I [FullName] agree that all the purchase of all training packages and memberships final, non-transferable and not refundable. Please be aware that you buy sessions from IHP and not from any specific trainer of IHP. ALL personal training packages expire 12 months after the original date of purchase.
* I [FullName] agree to be charged for any and all sessions not canceled 24 hour prior to the schedule time of the session. A cancelation must be made by personal communication with the IHP trainer, not by messages, txt, or emails with other IHP staff or associate.
* I [FullName] understand that the EFT/ Monthly agreement I signed up for allows me to enjoy a discounted personal training rate, with monthly or bi-weekly payments extended over for a 90- day period. EFT is billed once a month (approximately every 30 days) or twice a month (every two weeks) or can be customized per clients request of payment plans. Agreed upon sessions must be used within the respective billing period (Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Etc.) sessions do NOT transfer/credit to the next billing period. To cancel an EFT agreement, I agree to fill out the cancellation form from the link provided -- www.ihpfitness.com/cancelform . It is important that you fill out the form to successfully stop any further charges or payments moving forward. Please note that the form must be completed before 72 hours from the existing billing date to avoid any charges or payments. If I cancel or want to stop charges within the first 90-days of my agreement, I agree to pay a cancelation fee of 50% of the remaining balance of my 90-day package. I understand that if I do not cancel at the link provided I will automatically be billed moving forward of equal value to the previous EFT package and I also agree that my Payment method on file will be charged moving forward until the cancelation is fully completed.
EFT Details that I [FullName] Agree To:
[FullName] is ENTERING INTO A 3 month or a total number of Sessions contract
[FullName] will be AUTOMATICALLY BILLED on a schedule YOU CHOSE!
[FullName]'s sessions YOU COMMIT TO each billing cycles should be used within that billing cycle.
[FullName] Should you not be able to use ALL sessions within the contract period - you can use them during the “Rollover Month / 4th month” that will follow the contract period (monthly gym utility gees will apply during the roll-over month).
The IHP EFT Program is a 3-month agreement, which allows me to enjoy a discounted personal training rate, with interest-free monthly or bi-weekly payments extended over for a 90- day period. EFT will be automatically deducted from my account every month. Payments will reflect the amount of session YOU agree to for each billing period. All sessions must be completed within the 90 day agreement or by the end of the rollover month / 4th. If sessions are completed within the 3 month agreement I [FullName] the client will automatically be enrolled into another 90 days cycle. If the sessions are not completed by the end of the day which is the fourth one on sessions expired at the time in a new start up again. The client must notify IHP management via link provided before sessions or deadline are completed to start any billing for another 90 day billing cycle.
* I [FullName] agree that in order to cancel an IHP membership agreement the IHP cancellation form must be completed and submitted to IHP management 72 hours before your billing date.
I agree to all policies listed and take full responsibility to obey all IHP's terms and conditions: